Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Team Continental Repairs is Cody Campbell and Mark MacDonald!

A great match. Cody Campbell is from right here in the lower mainland, and won the first race I ever did...when he was 14. Mark is from Alberta, but we won't hold it against him, because he's a big fast boy, and probably a good case for eating Alberta Beef.

Grit. Spirit. Our boys are made of all that good stuff. Its a good thing too.

Tuft. Farrar. Holloway. Meier. Pearce. Big names. Big talents. A handful for Team Continental to contend with.

Here is Cody Campbell ripping it up on the Burnaby Boards, looking like he was born to do it.

There goes Mark, testing the torque limit of that rear carbon disc.

Come to the Burnaby Velodrome for two more nights of racing. It starts at 6:30pm. My wife will be racing (Jennifer), so that's especially exciting.
We are really, really proud to support such a great event.